Privacy Policy Agreement

creative virtuosity® S.P. is committed to keeping client information collected for the purposes of use of our information request forms and commenting features; accurate, confidential, private, and secure. Our privacy policy has been designed with our clients and potential clients in mind. Therefore, this privacy policy shall apply to as a whole; thus, govern any and all data collection for client and potential client usage necessary to perform its functional activities. Users with restricted access are advised to secure their information responsibly by logging out of any screen related to the restricted access granted. By using the creative virtuosity® S.P. information request forms and commenting features users consent to the following data procedures expressed within this agreement. It is recommended that users review comparison privacy policies and statements of other websites when choosing to use and frequent our website to better understand the way in which websites garner, make use of and share information collected. creative virtuosity® S.P. may disclose client or potential client information, without prior notice; if required to do so in accordance with applicable laws as defined by the State in which creative virtuosity® S.P. resides; and in good faith belief that such an action is necessary or required to maintain business confidence in relationship to its information request forms and commenting features which directly or indirectly require third party authorization. Reservation of Rights creative virtuosity® S.P. reserves the right to update and change the terms of our privacy policy as necessary to maintain business confidence. Acceptance of Terms Agreement to the terms of the creative virtuosity® S.P. privacy policy is stipulated through the use of and its online features. Non-agreement to our terms and conditions or privacy policy means to refrain from the further use of our website and its service offering(s).